PORTFOLIO / 2019 — 2024

Creating a Culture Collision Between Analytics and Media

The Challenge

Knomadix, a bespoke tech consulting agency, faced a common challenge: how to broaden its reach and form a deeper connection with its audience. In an industry often seen as technical and distant, Knomadix sought to resonate on a more personal level, engaging with their audience in a way that felt both relevant and culturally connected.





My approach

I understand that true engagement begins with understanding your audience—not just who they are, but what they relate to. For Knomadix, this meant tapping into cultural trends and creating content that didn’t just inform, but connected and entertained too.

the audience

I began by diving into the cultural pulse of Knomadix’s audience. Who were they? What were their interests, values, and pain points? Through a discovery questionnaire, Knomadix said that their audience were millennial professionals, college-educated, POC entrepreneurs; they’re highly active on X, a part of black culture, and favored content from pages like @forbestheculture and @thedigitalfootprint.

Connecting through content

With a clear understanding of the audience, I crafted social media posts that blended Knomadix’s expertise with cultural relevance. Each post was designed to do more than just share information; it aimed to inspire, resonate, and provoke thought. By weaving in cultural references, trends, and timely topics, we created content that felt authentic and engaging.


Over two months, my strategy achieved a 22% engagement rate for Knomadix’s social media content. We gained 136 new followers, significantly expanding the brand’s reach and influence. Our posts reached 3,019 accounts, with 28% of that reach driven by strategic hashtags carefully chosen to resonate with cultural trends and audience interests. On average, each post received 14 shares and 3.9 saves, demonstrating that our content was not only engaging but also creating community and sparking conversations.

Social Media Content

Happy to Connect!